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Betwyll helps teachers make students read more, better and with lots of fun.

We developed a reading method and a webapp which combine reading and social networking, a place where students can read, comment, share and learn together. The teacher chooses a book, sets a reading calendar and then asks students to read and add short comments of 140 characters to each paragraph they want. The method works on paper as well as on the webapp, improving deep reading skills.


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Updated June 2019
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All students
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Betwyll means jumping from one world to another becoming the protagonist of a story

About the innovation

What is Betwyll

What we do?

We help teachers who want their students to read more, offering a method and a webapp where students can comment, share and learn together.

Why we do it?

Nowadays students spend from 6 to 9 hours per day on the Internet. Is there still time for reading? How can we take the magic of reading back? In the era of artificial intelligence and robotics, we need to help students to read more in order to defend human will and freedom of thought.

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