-The gap-analysis reveals the recurring teachers need to assist at all levels in ensuring a guaranteed Transference of Skills in “real time” with daily practice in designing lessons that address assessment, content, teaching strategies.
-it offers non-threatening, cost effective “just-in-time” accessible e-solutions and training at all levels of the system with practical solutions.
This is a systemic solution piloted presently only at school based level. Teachers use the software to experientially and reflexively apply the software skills daily in the design and delivery of lesson with on hand solutions. A few foci include up-skilling and re-skilling educators with accredited courses in :Rigorous lesson planning, Enhancing instruction ,Inclusive lessons ,Promoting quality tasks ,Data-driven decisions ,Quality test items ,Quality assessment for, as, on learning, conducting professional learning communities.
We hope to implement Teach Easy in African countries through the support of the African Union (AU) and with a supportive funding network from the European Union , China , USA and Middle East Patrons.
In underperforming schools and disadvantaged schools the access to the store of skills on the software, and the individual teacher application of skills in a safe, non-threatening , yet reflexive ways, it builds individual teacher confidence and professionalism exponentially. Schools have invited us to up-skill and re-skill teachers using the software's success in practice on school sites. We are working closely with the Private sector in South Africa ( Vodacom, Adapt-It and AYO technology) to implement a pilot program as a precursor to a national rollout. We envisage an externally funded budgeted pilot project plan.
Approach the Education Ministry , to implement the Teach Easy education solution , as it is designed to be an education systemic solution, with real time : monitoring, development, coaching, mentoring, evaluation in the system "upstream" and "downstream" .
The distinct advantage with us, we offer a holistic solution that aims to uplift the entire Education System.