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Methodology for developing collaboration, social and physical well-being through movement.

Two or more partners meet the palms of their hands in space with varying speed and combinations. The methodology combines and builds upon asymmetrical workout, 6 types of Eastern martial arts and free dancing.


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Web presence






June 2019
In an unpredictable and dynamic world, collaboration is the most successful attitude.

About the innovation

What is Chatkalina?

What we do?

Two or more people fasten two wooden pieces, called chatkalini (pl.), to the palms of their hands (one each) and begin to meet each other's palms in space in differet combinations. One has to learn a series of movement modules and combine them creatively.

Why we do it?

We transform the asymmetrical workouts and the martial arts into a peaceful art and a dance technology, in order to improve brain activity, maintain our physical condition and teach each other equal collaboration.

Implementation steps

Find a Chatkalina instructor
You can find one by contacting us through the details on this page
Gather a group of people

The instructor teaches them the basic modules, and how to build those; Afterwards the group does combinations between them;

Spread of the innovation

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