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Ciudadan@s Digitales en Formación y Acción

place Chile + 1 more

STEAM project incubation program for the digital citizenship of Children and Youth

In Chile, 86% of children and youth report having a cell phone with the internet. Ciudadan@s Digitales promotes the active and proactive participation of children and youth in the digital era, developing 21st century skills, digital and STEAM competencies to be active and engaged digital citizens, with full exercise of rights, contributing to the solution of contextual challenges.


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Web presence






Target group
Students upper
April 2024
In more digitally dynamic societies, that more children and youth from different geographical areas of Chile and Latin America, from the STEAM approach and the framework of e-rights, find effective ways to develop knowledge and skills of the XXI Century, to exercise citizenship, understanding the potential, risks and ethical and civic implications in the digital world and access to the Internet.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In Chile, 60% of households have the internet. Eighty-six percent of young people report having a cell phone with internet access, mainly to play games (49%), watch TV series (40%), use social networks (33%) and listen to music (32%). Digital culture requires rethinking its use among young people, taking advantage of opportunities to develop cognitive and ethical competencies and skills.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Ciudadan@s Digitales is a virtual program that promotes e-rights, integral development, STEAM competencies and 21st Century skills in young Chileans, with emphasis on regions outside the capital. It offers two annual cycles of 13 virtual sessions facilitated by Fundación Ciencia Joven, where STEAM projects are developed. Mentoring is provided on idea maturation, entrepreneurship and innovation. Participants present their solutions in the annual virtual STEAM Fair, fostering the exchange of experiences. A minimum participation of 80% is sought in virtuality and a 3-day trip to Santiago (capital city) is organized to strengthen transversal competencies as well as links among participants, visiting places such as the Science Museum and with outdoor activities related to the program.

How has it been spreading?

During 2 years, 4 cycles of 13 virtual sessions each were held, with an annual STEAM Fair in the Metaverse, in the SoWork platform and a 3-day face-to-face meeting in Santiago. The professional team included experts in STEAM and other related fields such as communication, sociology, psychology, etc. Eighty young people between 12 and 18 years old, mostly women, participated. They came from 14 communes in 9 Chilean regions, ensuring a wide territorial coverage. Families were involved and, subsequently, the young people applied their knowledge in their communities, together with those who, through appropriate instruments, also detected the challenge to be solved. Similar programs are being planned in Paraguay and other Latin American countries with partners and allies.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To become a participant, young people can contact Fundación Ciencia Joven and we invite you to stay tuned to our future calls! If you are another Foundation / Organization / Government and you wish to implement the Ciudadan@s Digitales Program, we invite you to contact us and we will explore the best way to work together.

Implementation steps

Adaptation of educational material according to context
Adaptation of the educational material according to the work context: each territory has its particularities, so the implementation modalities (virtual, face-to-face, hybrid), number of work sessions, among others, must be considered.
Open call and application
Open call and application on social networks to young people: depending on interest and objectives, contexts, audiences and priority locations can be defined.
Program socialization
Socialization, via virtual meeting, of the program with selected youth and families or responsible adults in charge, for planning activities, making agreements and clarification of doubts.
Tutor training and follow-up
Training and follow-up process for tutors: includes review of work methodologies and materials, program follow-up, recommendations for the accompaniment of young people in the development of the academy.
Formation of a team of invited experts
Invited external professionals: Specialists in areas such as mindfulness, communications, sociology, communication, psychology, as well as mentors who accompany the formation of youth projects and strengthen the role of the tutors.
Program implementation
Program implementation: consists of at least 12 sessions of virtual activities, the number, duration, frequency and modality of which vary according to each context. In turn, the topics addressed and the type of activities can be defined according to objectives and interest, as well as the number of participants.
Public event
Holding of a public event that brings together all participants to exchange experiences, learning and socialization of the work done with the community in the annual virtual STEAM Ciencia Joven Fair.
Travel / On-site visit to city of interest
Face-to-face visit to a city of interest or a defined place, as the end of the program and an appropriate space to strengthen, with a relevant agenda and associated activities, knowledge, skills and links among the young participants. This step includes a considerable amount of management and a significant portion of the budget.
Monitoring and evaluation system
Monitoring and evaluation system: for follow-up of implementation, adjustments during execution and evaluation of results. Includes evaluative instruments for participants, whose indicators may vary according to objectives.
Results communication
Release of audiovisual material created during the program with the prior written consent and report from the young participants and responsible adults.

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