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24.10.2022 | Jamie Lee |

The HundrED Global Collection 2023 is Now Published!

The HundrED Global Collection 2023 is now available for download! HundrED’s annual Global Collection highlights 100 of the brightest innovations in K12 education from around the world to anyone for free. These innovations have been identified based on their exceptional impact and scalability as education innovations.

Based on the Global Collection 2023, HundrED has identified several key trends in education innovation:

1) Teachers for Transformation: Teachers are at the heart of education innovation. In this year’s collection, the most used keyword was professional development, tagged by a third of innovators in their submission. We see that innovators are centering teachers in educational change. 

2) 21st Century Skills: Student’s skill development is a primary motivation for education innovation. Nearly a quarter of innovations in the collection focus on helping students develop 21st Century Skills - skills to build a healthy and productive life and to adapt to a changing world. 

3) Student Wellbeing & Mental Health: Student wellbeing is a determining factor of educational outcomes. We saw an increasing trend in innovations focusing on students’ wellbeing, mental health, empathy, and bullying prevention. 

4) Student Agency: Students need to develop their own voice, with the child being put at the centre of the experience and receiving personalised learning. Innovations are working on creating learning environments where students can make choices about their education, including the assessment of their own learning.

5) Equity: Equity is not only a question of what is learned, but of who is learning. Innovations focusing on equity centre their practice on gender equality, diversity, special needs education, inclusion, access to education and human rights. 

Selection Process

In this year’s collection, a shortlist of innovations was reviewed by 188 Academy Members consisting of academics, educators, innovators, funders, leaders, and students from 113 countries. The Academy made a total of 3,488 reviews based on impact and scalability, which was evaluated by HundrED’s Research Team who selected the final collection. 

Selection Process.png

Where can I get more information?

For more information, download the full Global Collection 2023 report

You can also browse the innovation pages of the selected innovators here

Finally, you can celebrate the Global Collection with us at the HundrED Innovation Summit by registering here
