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9.10.2019 | Pukhraj Ranjan

October Twitter Chat Celebrating Educators - You Don't Want To Miss This One!

October is the month we celebrate teachers! On Monday, 21st October at 1600 UTC we will join our HundrED Community on Twitter to celebrate and inspire educators! Hosted by our Ambassador, Tyler S. Thigpen from the United States - You don't want to miss this one!

Over the course of October, we have been focusing on inspiring educators and providing tools on how to become one! Across our media platforms, we have shared articles, innovation pages and guest articles on the topic! As a next step, we would want to engage with you on Twitter! Let us together explore questions like "Who’s managing to do amazing things within the current system? What can educators learn from others thinking outside of the box? What resources are available for educators to professionally develop their skills?"


Where and when is the Twitter Chat?

The #HundrEDChat is hosted with the help of our community and ambassadors on the HundrED Twitter Channel. We invite everyone to actively participate in this global discussion! 

Join the conversation on Monday, 21st October 2019, at 16:00 (UTC).

This month's chat will be hosted by our Ambassador, Tyler S. Thigpen from the United States.


Who is Tyler Thigpen?

Tyler Thigpen has worked in innovative district, private, and charter schools in Atlanta, as well as national and regional nonprofits in the U.S. Currently, he is a partner at Transcend, a national US-based nonprofit that supports communities to create and spread extraordinary, equitable learning environments. In addition to Transcend, he is also the co-founder and head of The Forest School: An Acton Academy and instructor at the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, he also co-founded MENTOR Georgia and Transforming Teaching at Harvard.

Tyler has worked as a minister at the Grace family of churches and led international development in Peru in areas of healthcare, education, poverty reduction, infrastructure, and human rights. At Transcend, he has worked closely on projects such as nXuWhittleThe Academy GroupThe Forest SchoolArt in MotionHebrew Public, and Teton Science's Place Network. He has a doctoral degree in education leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education, a master of public administration from Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a master of theological studies from Regent College of the University of British Columbia. 


HundrED Chats take place monthly on Twitter and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! Contact our Head of Community, Pukhraj Ranjan, for more information: