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25.1.2019 | Josephine Lister |

HundrED Youth Ambassador Program Is Announced!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new youth initiative! Along with our booming Ambassador programme, we’re now expanding our community to include young people too through our Youth Ambassador program.

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new youth initiative bringing together young people to raise their voices for education change! Along with our booming community of over 250 HundrED Ambassador from more than 70 countries, we’re now expanding our community to include young people in our Youth Ambassador program.

The aim of the Youth Ambassador program is to help students have their voice heard in the improvements being made in education. We carried out a global youth survey as part of our Every Child To Flourish research report last year, and we were staggered to see how passionately children felt about their education. They highlighted specific problems within the system, held strong opinions on what they felt they should be learning and were disheartened by the fact that they felt they had no voice to give their feedback or implement change.

We want to change that.

HundrED Youth Ambassadors will get the chance to feedback to us their opinions on education, to be included in our future articles and research papers. Their thoughts will also inform our research process to find the 100 Inspiring Innovations of each year, and they will be consulted on which innovations should make the list.

Through these efforts, we hope to truly engage today’s youth in education as a whole and in the improvement of education worldwide. We believe that young people have valuable feedback we could all learn from and their voices should be given the platform they deserve. After all, they’re the ones presently experiencing education – who better to ask how to improve education than to go to the source themselves?

The program was officially launched at LearnIt event in London on 25th January, as a part of the panel on Grassroots Change. To find out more information about the program head to the Youth Ambassadors page or check out the video below.

'Education is what matters to the next generation, yet we the students are hardly ever heard out,' explains HundrED Youth Ambassador, Jordy Angel Coldwell. 'We need to speak up, to promote change and to improve based on students' feedback. We are the future! We are the change! Students from Mexico, Peru, Australia, the US, France, India, Kenya ... we all need to join to make this a global change!'

Join Jordy in our movement to get student voices heard. If you're a student or young person who'd like to get involved, or alternatively if you're an educator who'd like to share this opportunity with your students, contact our Head of Community Pukhraj Ranjan on​​​​ for all queries and more information.
