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10.2.2023 |

HundrED will be at Comparative & International Education Society Conference (CIES) in Washington DC

Crystal Green and Clara García Millán from HundrED will be attending and presenting their work at the CIES conference in Washington DC. from February 18-22. They also have exciting news to share!

This year’s theme for CIES 2023 is improving education for a more equitable world. The conference calls participants to share their latest research and ideas on how educational improvement can empower learners and educators and increase equity. 

We asked Crystal and Clara for their thoughts in preparation for the conference. 

What do you hope to gain from the conference? 

We’re excited to learn from our colleagues, other researchers and peer organisations, and share some of our learnings and get feedback. I think this kind of event always pushes our thinking in new directions. It’s also a chance to get updates from our selected innovators, and to learn about new innovations. 

Why is it important for HundrED to be attending CIES now? 

We are currently working on the search phase for the Global Collection 2024. This means now is a good time to learn about new initiatives happening in education this year and getting to know the people who are driving change in education globally.  

In addition, we have recently launched a Spotlight on EdTech: Bangladesh in collaboration with EdTech Hub. Therefore, we are particularly excited to meet education stakeholders at CIES that work in the space of education technology, as well as professionals that are familiar with the education sector in Bangladesh. 

Presenting at CIES is a fantastic opportunity for us to share our learnings and the work we have been doing during the past year. In 2022, HundrED has transitioned from identifying innovations to starting to support their scaling efforts. This is a big shift in the previous work we have been doing and has allowed us to enter the implementation space and understand better how innovations scale and spread in new contexts. 

In this year’s CIES conference we hope to share all these learnings and connect with like minded professionals who are interested in improving education through innovation. 

Where will you be presenting?

1) Teachers as Change Agents: Equitable education and practices

Tue, February 21, 4:45 to 6:15pm EST, Grand Hyatt Washington, Floor: Constitution Level (3B) - Wilson

During this session, we will be giving an individual paper presentation titled Theorizing Intellectual Property in Education Innovations.

2) How might we use education networks to better support schools and teachers across contexts?

Tue, February 21, 4:45 to 6:15pm EST (4:45 to 6:15pm EST), Grand Hyatt Washington, Floor: Declaration Level (1B), Cabinet

Chair: Laurel Schmitt, Results for Development (R4D)

We will also be presenting in this roundtable session with our colleagues from SALEX (Schools Action Learning Exchange) about how education networks can be used to better support schools and teachers across various contexts. HundrED’s presentation at the roundtable will be HundrED: Elevating the voices of education innovators at a global scale. 

If you would like to arrange a meeting with Crystal and Clara during the CIES conference, please contact

Crystal Green

Crystal leads the research team, facilitating the innovation selection process with our partners and managing the production of research reports. Crystal has worked as a teacher and researcher internationally in Asia, North America, South America and Europe. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Jyväskylä and a Masters of Education in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Clara García Millán

Clara works as an Education Research Specialist at HundrED and has more than three years of experience working in International Projects on Education Research and Development. She earned her Master’s Degree in Development, Education, and International Cooperation from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. She also has teaching experience working at the classroom level in several primary schools in Spain. Her research focus is on global education, education policies, school wellbeing, gender transformative pedagogy, and education equity. 
