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How Can We Make Learning Irresistible To Children? Tim Taylor

"Children don't normally have responsibility anything like this in the real world, but if you're creating a story with them, they can... and that's what they get excited about!"

We were very grateful to have Tim Taylor host a WEB-nesday via Facebook Live on September 19th, 2018.  Missed it? Catch the recording here! 

Tim Taylor is a teacher, trainer, and author from Norwich, England. He has worked in schools for more than twenty-five years, promoting and developing Mantle of the Expert - a dramatic-inquiry approach to education that creates fictional contexts for learning in collaboration with students. In 2016, Tim published ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Mantle of the Expert’. 

HundrED WEB-nesdays take place weekly via Facebook Live and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! You can access the webinars by joining the HundrED Facebook page. Contact our Global Community Manager, Pukhraj Ranjan, for more information: