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9.7.2024 |

Community Lead: Vineeta Garg

"Education should be a gateway to opportunity, not a gatekeeper that restricts opportunity," says Community Lead Vineeta Garg. An award-winning teacher who works to make future skills like computer science and AI more accessible to all her students. How does her educational philosophy inform her work in driving education innovation forward?

What is your name?

Vineeta Garg

Where do you call home?


How does education fit into your life?

Education is the wind beneath my wings, propelling me on my mission. As an AI, STEM, ICT evangelist, and Cyber Security expert, I empower students, educators, and communities with knowledge and skills that break down barriers and unlock potential.

For me, education is not just a job, but a calling. It's woven into my very being, driving me to use innovative practices to spark curiosity and dispel fear of technology in students and make them smart, safe and sensible digital citizens. As a teacher, I am constantly enriched by the experiences I share with my students and inspired by their achievements. This motivates me to take on new challenges and embark on ambitious projects that will benefit the lives of children far beyond our immediate community.

What brought you to educational innovation?

I believe that every student possesses unique talents and capabilities, and educational innovation is the key to unlocking their full potential. Educational innovation helps me to bridge gaps, promote inclusivity, and address the diverse needs of learners.

I vividly recall a time when Computer Science was a subject chosen by only a handful of students at my school. The disparity between girls and boys opting for this field was stark, with a ratio of 1:3. Witnessing the disinterest among students in learning coding was disheartening for me. This prompted me to innovate my teaching methods to make the subject more appealing, particularly to girls.

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Comprehensive, innovative approaches to Computer Science make the subject more inclusive

Educational innovations led me to not only increase the enrolments in Computer science but also transition my students from passive learners to active creators and innovators, eagerly designing solutions to various societal challenges, demonstrating a heightened sense of civic responsibility and global awareness.

Most recently, two of my students developed an exceptional AI project called DyslexiScan, which ranked among the top three projects in the ISTE+Intel AI Innovator Challenge and has been selected to be showcased at ISTELive 24!

What are your biggest inspirations in educational innovation? 

The inherent curiosity and desire to learn exhibited by my students serve as the foundation for designing engaging and meaningful learning experiences. Recognizing that each student possesses unique needs, interests, and learning styles, I strive to identify areas where my students require support. Through innovation, I aim to cater to the diverse needs of learners, promoting inclusivity and facilitating their journey to reaching their full potential.

Before stepping into my classroom, I remind myself that I was once a student too. This reflection helps me empathize with their challenges and offer effective solutions tailored to their needs.

What challenges do you see facing the educational system today?

The educational system faces a complex landscape when integrating Artificial Intelligence. Ensuring students use AI ethically is a major challenge. Younger students, captivated by AI's coolness and problem-solving abilities, may overlook potential drawbacks like privacy violations and biased algorithms. Unethical applications, such as deepfakes—deceptively realistic fabricated videos or audio recordings—are growing concerns.

Education should be a gateway to opportunity, not a gatekeeper that restricts opportunity

Distinguishing between ethical and unethical AI use can be murky. Clear guidelines and real- world examples are crucial for students to navigate these gray areas. After all, AI is a powerful tool, and with great power comes great responsibility!

In 2019, Vineeta was honored with the National Award to Teachers 

What are your hopes for the future of education?

I believe that education should be a gateway to opportunity, not a gatekeeper that restricts opportunity. I envision a future where inclusive practices ensure every student, regardless of background, has access to quality education. This will require strong partnerships between educators, parents, communities, and technology experts, creating a vibrant ecosystem for learning.

Why did you choose to become a Community Lead?

I chose to become a community lead because I have a passion for community building, a commitment to educational innovation, and a desire to contribute to collaborative initiatives in the field of education.

What are your goals as a Community Lead

As a bridge between local communities and the HundrED network, I aim to cultivate a thriving global community passionate about educational innovation. By providing insights into educational challenges and opportunities, I can spark collaboration and shared learning. Through events, webinars, and initiatives, I will connect community members, fostering a vibrant space for collective exploration. Additionally, I will actively seek out collaborative opportunities on projects spearheaded by, further enriching the global exchange of educational ideas.

How can our members get involved?

I am eager to collaborate with individuals harnessing the power of AI to revolutionize the education landscape. The potential of AI in education is vast, promising to assist educators in achieving success more efficiently and effectively. By leveraging AI-driven technologies, educators can personalize learning experiences, identify areas for improvement, and optimize instructional strategies. I believe that collaboration in this area can lead to innovative solutions that enhance student engagement, promote deeper learning, and empower educators to meet the diverse needs of today's learners.

Furthermore, I am keen to partner with those dedicated to creating a safer digital environment for the youth. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential to prioritize digital safety and cybersecurity education. By collaborating with experts in this field, we can develop strategies to protect young people from online threats, promote responsible digital citizenship, and foster a culture of ethical behavior in the digital space. Together, we can work towards equipping today's youth with the knowledge, skills, and awareness needed to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

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Vineeta Garg