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16.7.2024 |

Community Lead: Md Masum Billah

Motivated by inequities in education, Masum sees the potential in modern technologies to support a more holistic approach towards education, adapted for every child.

What is your name?

My name is Md Masum Billah.

Where do you call home?

I call Dhaka, Bangladesh my home.

How does education fit into your life?

Education is the foundation upon which my professional and personal life is built. My two-decade journey in international development, with a focus on educational innovation, reflects my commitment to leveraging education as a tool for societal change. I see education not just as a process of learning but as an instrument of empowerment, enabling individuals to realise their potential and contribute positively to society. It's this belief that drives my ongoing quest to explore, innovate, and implement educational strategies that are inclusive, equitable, and effective.

What brought you to educational innovation?

My journey to educational innovation was shaped by a combination of personal passion and professional experiences. Witnessing educational disparities in various settings, I felt the urgent need for more effective, inclusive, and innovative educational approaches. 

I envision a future where curricula are not only academically rigorous but also culturally diverse and emotionally enriching, preparing students to be compassionate, global-minded citizens.

My involvement in this sector exposed me to the realities and potential of education in transforming lives, particularly in underprivileged communities. It sparked my interest in finding innovative solutions that could revolutionise learning and teaching processes, making education more accessible, engaging, and relevant to the challenges of the 21st century.

What are your biggest inspirations in educational innovation?

Observing how technology can revolutionise learning experience and democratise access to education, inspired my passion. The resilience and creativity of educators and students, especially in challenging environments, profoundly adds confidence to my inspiration. I am also inspired by the global movement towards more holistic education that not only imparts knowledge but also focuses on developing critical life skills. Innovations that address the needs of diverse learners, especially in resource-limited settings, and those that integrate local cultures and contexts into the curriculum, also drive my enthusiasm. These elements collectively drive my commitment to an education system that is innovative, inclusive, and impactful.

What challenges do you see facing the educational system today?

The educational system today faces multifaceted challenges. One of the foremost is the digital divide, which exacerbates educational inequalities. There is also a pressing need to update curricula to equip learners with skills relevant in the 21st century, such as critical thinking, digital literacy, and adaptability. Moreover, the mental well-being of students and educators has emerged as a critical issue, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge of integrating technology effectively in classrooms, while ensuring it enhances rather than hinders the learning process, is also significant. Additionally, addressing the diverse needs of learners from different socio-economic backgrounds remains a key challenge in ensuring equitable access to quality education.

What are your hopes for the future of education?

My vision for the future of education is an inclusive and adaptable system that meets the needs of every learner. I hope to see an educational landscape where technology is seamlessly integrated, enhancing learning experiences and bridging geographical and socio-economic divides. I envision a future where curricula are not only academically rigorous but also culturally diverse and emotionally enriching, preparing students to be compassionate, global-minded citizens. My hope extends to seeing education systems that prioritise mental well-being and foster environments where teachers and students are supported and valued. Ultimately, I aspire for education to be a powerful tool for social equity, enabling every individual to unlock their potential and contribute meaningfully to society.


Bangladesh has seen tremendous investment in EdTech solutions. Read the HundrED Spotlight to learn more. 

Why did you choose to become a Community Lead?

I chose to become a Community Lead to amplify my impact in the field of educational innovation. This role presents a platform to collaborate with a global network of passionate educators, innovators, and thought leaders. It's an opportunity to share, learn from others, and collectively work towards addressing the pressing challenges in education. I am excited about the prospect of bringing diverse perspectives together and being in a culture of shared learning and innovation. This role aligns with my passion for driving meaningful change in education and my commitment to empowering communities through knowledge sharing, capacity building, and collaborative problem-solving.

What are your goals as a Community Lead?

As a Community Lead, I aspire to create a vibrant, collaborative space where ideas and best practices in educational innovation can be exchanged and nurtured. My goals include identifying and promoting effective educational strategies, supporting the professional growth of community members, and initiating partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries. I aim to leverage my expertise to empower educators and learners, driving initiatives that make a real difference in the educational landscape. As a Community Lead, my goals include bridging gaps between technology and education, promoting inclusive educational practices, and inspiring collective action towards educational reforms for positive changes.

How can our members get involved?

Our members can get involved by actively participating in community discussions, sharing their unique educational innovations, and collaborating in various initiatives. They may contribute to projects, such as the upcoming Spotlights on Qatar and Wellbeing in Schools, and to engage with Youth Ambassadors. It would enrich our community's diversity and impact.

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