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28.5.2024 |

Community Lead: Charlotte Goh

"The success of an intervention relies on the interior state of the intervener" is a quote that informs every part of Charlotte's work - both with her play-based nonprofit, Playeum, and her work as a HundrED Community Lead.

What is your name?

I go by Charlotte. Goh is my surname.

Where do you call home?

I live in Singapore, in South East Asia

How does education fit into your life?

How do you define education? Formal academics in school or life (long) learning? It's probably both. I see it as an important way to grow and evolve as a person.

What brought you to educational innovation?

How can we do things differently to support learning? This interests me and also from the realm of how we define success as a nation, culture, as a people and as myself. Because what we deem important is what we will focus on. And what we focus on will grow.

What are your biggest inspirations in educational innovation?

Systems and Self work. I am inspired by Theory U by Otto Scharmer - and the saying by O'Brien, “The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.” We might say it this way: the success of our actions as change-makers does not depend on what we do or how we do it, but on the Inner Place from which we operate. I could rephrase this and say that the innovative qualities of interventions are determined by the quality of the inner space of the intervener.

What challenges do you see facing the educational system today?

In Singapore, there have been shifts in the system which has the intention to put less pressure on young children and also an invitation for all of us to (re)define what success means for us and for our young people, and what different paths to academic education there are.

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Charlotte is Executie Director of Playeum, an organisation that pushes for play based methodologies in Singapore

The strong focus on academic achievements tends to remain relatively high, which in turn affects the mental wellbeing of children and young people. Of course, the tensions also come from the digital dominance in our lives, peer relationships: this is all linked.

After all, we are each a product of our social and cultural environment which includes the influence of home, education, social support networks (including the influence from social media), value systems, religion and government (such as policies and though leadership that can shape our practices.)

Sometimes, I take a step back and I can see that I am a ‘product’ of the Singapore System: which has a lot of good and other aspects that I am trying to shift internally. Not all the shifts I want to do are a direct influence from the Singapore System; my own life lessons shape my inner space too.

Any challenges that the educational system faces are part of a larger eco-system of values, beliefs, mindsets etc. It's hard to look only at one part of the eco-system.

What are your hopes for the future of education?

That we involve children and young people in the decisions made for them. People often misunderstand when we give children a voice. We should consider it a dialogue to learn, to see and to understand.

Why did you choose to become a Community Lead?

To make a difference even if it's in a small way. Also to work and learn from others in the field. To expand, as expansion is part of our evolution.

What are your goals as a Community Lead

I would like to involve children more in dialogues and ideations that affect decisions made for them. Whether this looks like Children Advisory Councils or Communities, this would be a powerful space to make visible how children can contribute, especially in Singapore.

I would also encourage powerful engagements with learning and development through play, BEing and most importantly, mental wellness.

How can our members get involved?

Be part of the conversation with me on the how and what. You have a seat at the table!

Let’s align on our shared visions and co-create.

Want to continue the conversation? Connect with Charlotte!

Charlotte  Goh