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Youth Essential Skills Academy

we believe in learning as an ultimate source of human progress

With the 21st century global organization view, we work across the Somali community by providing multi-services, especially in the field of education. Our mission is to promote youth skills and knowledge to attain life aspirations and social welfare. While our values are empowerment, creativity, inclusivity, trust and accountability,we always strive to achieve our vision of preparing our community



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
June 2022
"your pen is your way."

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Somaliland demonstrates its commitment to preparing all students to become life-long learners with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to be productive citizens in our (NEP 2015-2030). this is impossible without the support of community educational innovation parties, so we contribute with our government to serve our community through education on the basis of this common goal.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We provide educational events as well as short and mid-term courses based on community needs research. focus on educational technology to prepare an easily accessible learning platform by connecting the expertise to the targeted audience to co-orporate together as part of the solution. We use multi-methodologies of the 21st century like cooperative and competence-based learning. 

How has it been spreading?

We have two main issues that support us in spreading fast, which are creativity and strategic planning. After we introduced ourselves to our community, who we are and what we offer, our product resulted in being motivated more. We inspire more than a 10,000 Somali community, especially growing youth through CBC learning practices to help to be successful in their lives. 

If I want to try it, what should I do?

On the basis of our recommendation, we are suggesting these three main issues, which are: educational need assessment in the community; positive relationship with the field actors and bodies like government and non-government institutions; and finally, proper stewardship, as well as a strategic plan that is flexible to edit and develop to be successful in your way. 

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