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place India + 8 more

Playful, Project-Based Learning Platform for kids 5 - 12

When a child learns to make a paper plane and race it with their friends, they're not just having fun. They're making meaning of the world around them and their own role in that world. At Upepo we are building a technology platform that encourages children across the globe to find things they are passionate about by working on fun hands-on projects with their peers in a playful environment.


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Target group
June 2022
Literacy and numeracy must be supported by nurturing the third pillar of creativity. Only then can we truly produce future-ready, life-long learners.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Around a quarter of the world's population is under 15. These are digital natives. Studies have shown a steep decline in creativity and problem solving as children become adults. I believe that if we could provide the right incentives and a nurturing community for children between the ages of 5-12, we can empower a generation of youth to be creative problem-solvers poised to build a better future!

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Once students sign-up, they get access to a wide range of bite-sized hands-on learning activities in a wide range of topics. They can watch these and work on the projects they really love. Once they do, they can share these with a global, moderated kid community to inspire and seek inspiration from. As they share and participate they get recognized for their creativity and problem solving by earning rewards and encouraging them to enter a creative, learning spiral.

How has it been spreading?

We work with over 900 students. Our early access list has over 5000 students signed up from across India. We are planning to grow through strategic collaborations and partnerships to 10,000 users by the end of the year.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Download the app from or contact us at

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