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Mon choix Ma carrière.IA

place Togo

Reveal each young person's potential for a fulfilling future.

Mon choix Ma carrière is an innovative start-up that uses artificial intelligence to help young people fulfil their potential. We offer a unique educational guidance platform that combines the power of AI with human expertise to guide each student towards their ideal professional future.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students early
April 2024
To give every young person the keys to making a free and informed choice of direction. Combat early school leaving and promote success for all pupils. Contribute to the personal and professional development of young people, helping them to find their place in society.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I was lost, I was looking for a meaning to my life, the reason why I was going to school, after the Baccalauréat I didn't know what subjects or what profession I should choose, after some information I found a course that interested me but unfortunately access was by competitive examination and the deadline had passed. I ended up enrolling in human resources management in a hurry so as not to miss

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In-depth assessment: Using intelligent questionnaires and behavioural analyses, our AI identifies the interests, aptitudes and values of each young person, and provides personalized human support.

How has it been spreading?

Through social networks, Facebook in particular, we have a Facebook page and a blog where we share information on educational guidance, tutorials and experience sharing. We've also carried out activities with schoolchildren. We talked to them about careers guidance.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

At this stage we have a Facebook page and a blog, and you can contact us at,
The AI platform is in the pipeline.

Implementation steps

Mon choix Ma carrière
Create a profile Take the assessment tests Explore the options Meet a coach

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