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4.10.2018 | Pukhraj Ranjan |

Can Augmented Reality Strengthen 21st Century Skills In The Classroom? | Darya Yegorina

"With augmented reality, the applications are endless because they go beyond where your fantasy can go..."

We were very grateful to have Darya Yegorina host a WEB-nesday via Facebook Live on October 10th, 2018.  Missed it? Catch the recording here! 

Darya Yegorina, CEO of CleverBooks and an advocate for STEM and Augmented Reality education, shares how the combination of both can help to develop 21st-century skills.

Who is Darya Yegorina?

Darya Yegorina is a serial entrepreneur, CEO of CleverBooks and other ventures in multiple industries. Apart from being an entrepreneur, she has a massive professional experience from start-ups to multinational corporations. Darya's current focus is on emerging technologies for education where she has the mission to deliver the most innovative Augmented Reality technology to schools around the world and to create equal access to technology for kids globally. She is a professional speaker on a global scale representing women in tech and inspiring new entrepreneurs.

Darya is Dublin Ambassador for Women of Wearables and a HundrED Ambassador from Ireland. Darya is also working with A-Speakers Bureau and London Speakers Bureau speaker agencies.

You can watch Darya's podcasts, interviews and press mentions at

HundrED WEB-nesdays take place weekly via Facebook Live and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! You can access the webinars by joining the HundrED Facebook page. Contact our Global Community Manager, Pukhraj Ranjan, for more information:
