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A Collective Intelligence Engine

Nolej is a tool that empowers learners to discover ideas, validate learning, and unlock opportunities. It is a project that is re-designing learning for future workplaces where the only tasks needed are those that cannot be automated and that require creativity, social intelligence, reflection, and cooperation. Enabling long-term systemic changes that truly empower both learners and teachers!


نظرة عامة

وضعت HundrED هذا الابتكار ضمن القائمة المختصرة

أدرجت HundrED هذا الابتكار في إحدى مجموعات الابتكارات التابعة لها. تم التحقق من المعلومات الواردة في هذه الصفحة من قبل HundrED.

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المجموعة المستهدفة
الطلاب بمعرفة متقدمة
تم التحديث
July 2023
Educational systems move too slowly for the modern world. NOLEJ has a solution, an AI-powered curriculum engine, that empowers learners and educators to generate curricula for any learning goal in real-time.

بشأن الابتكار

لماذا اخترعت هذا الابتكار؟

Over several thousand hours of user research working with learners from the slums of East Africa, to the K12 and higher ed schools of the US and Japan, from the non-traditional educational settings of homeschooling communities to maker spaces in India. When boiling down the needs of these learners, those that tap into their intrinsic motivation, they share three core needs that are not being met.

كيف يبدو ابتكارك من الناحية العملية؟

Learners from across the world, especially those 13 and up who want to learn and do something that matters to them, are struggling with the following pain points:

1. Help me find things I want to learn.
2. Help me achieve mastery.
3. Help me find opportunities.

We address these pain points by providing learners a map of all the concepts that lie between their current understanding and any learning goal they may have. We help them prove their learning through mechanisms that work in the real world, like peer-to-peer reviews, publishing projects, and teaching others. Then with that proof in hand, they are able to access real-world income-earning opportunities. Here is a video presentation (7 minutes) about the project:

كيف انتشر؟

NOLEJ AI is recently launched and we already have 25 thousand educators, instructional designers, and publishers using it reaching more than 2.5 million students.

إذا أردتُ تجربته، فماذا علي أن أفعل؟

Go to and sign up.

خطوات التنفيذ

Reach out for Demo
You can reach out for a demo here:
Start Using the AI
Anyone can use the AI to generate educational material
Build our Graph
By using the AI you will start to generate a Nolej Graph of all your content. At the end of 2023 you will be able to use this graph to help your learners easily find personalized pathways through your content to the learning goals.
Gain verifiable credentials
At the beginning of 2024, you will then be able to use the Nolej Protocol to tap into experts in your network and gain recognizable credentials and real-world opportunities.

انتشار الابتكار

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