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Samait Shala

Samait Shala runs an intervention program for mainstream classrooms to cater to children with high learning gaps.

We work with: a. Children - A framework for systematic progression for English and Math - Peer learning model - Remedial and intervention support b. Teachers: - In service pedagogical support and training - Assist and guide in stronger implementation - Enable them to identify and work with children who are at risk c. Parents: Engagement sessions in classrooms Parent program for home


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Web presence






June 2018
Creating Inclusive Education

About the innovation

Samait Shala - Inclusive Education

What we do?

We intervene in schools with our:

(i) Math Curriculum: Focused on formation (concrete), visual (pictorial) and numbers

(abstract) with a mix of audiovisual content.

(ii) English Curriculum: Balanced Literacy approach, which consists of six core literacy


 Speaking and listening

 Phonemic awareness/Phonics

 Sight words/Sentence structure

 Reading Comprehension

 Grammar

 Writing

The benefits of this approach are as under:

 In English as Foreign language community, it ensures that a child gets number of ways to

express their thoughts and learning. This helps the teacher to know their learning style.

 It allows teacher to ascertain where to differentiate learning for different groups in the


Why we do it?

How the children will benefit?

 Multiple ways to express and engage themselves

 Activities and assessments scaffold to their level

 Improved speaking and listening and reading fluency

 Benefit from integrated support from teacher and parent alike

 Learn values of group work and peer model support

 Receive individualized and small group remedial program time

How the teachers will benefit?

 Consistent in service support every week through observations and feedback

 A dedicated program person to thought partner classroom challenges and opportunities

 Develop deeper understanding to identify children who are at risk and take corrective action early on

 Opportunity to hone their own personal development through classroom execution

 Opportunity to step up as an Instructional leader in the long run

How the school will benefit?

 100% student focused classroom environment ensuring every child is learning

 Every approach is focused on effective implementation of practices in school

 Parent/Community investment in school which can drive enrolments in the long run

 Consistent professional development for your teachers

 Capacity building of teachers add to school’s long term Instructional leader pipeline

 Presence of a dedicated person will ensure timely and need based thought partnering

 Academic Support for English and Math from Grade 1 to 8

 Intervention with English does have the ability take the learning to other content areas

 Progress monitoring using assessments and observation to track student’s progress

 Monitoring and data based evaluation of teaching practices

 Yearly review of the support

Requests and ask from us:

o Schools to admit all children irrespective of their ability to perform

o One accountable person from within the school

o 100% Teacher’s presence in yearly and Unit wise training

o School Time table support

o 120 minutes of English Literacy class (4 days a week), Math classes (6 classes a week)

o School leadership participation

o Use NCERT standards and books for at least English and Math and Pearson for English


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