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From Ego to Eco: Mindfulness and Deep Ecology through Photography

How might we help students to reclaim their attention to be well? How might we re-connect with nature to be well? How might we cultivate love and joy to help the world and the planet to be well? By opening our hearts, thinking like advocacy photographers, and taking meaningful photographs, we reconnect with ourselves, others and nature deeply to develop mindfulness, gratitude and compassion.


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Target group
Students upper
May 2024
Learning outside more to let nature be part of teaching and learning; going beyond learning about nature to learning from and with nature; relating to nature as a subject rather than an object to cultivate a more loving and holistic relationship; cultivating and nourishing mindfulness, gratitude, compassion through nature to take care of personal and planetary wellbeing.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

As students spend more time on their devices, producing and creating media which extract their attention and decrease wellbeing, they also experience 'nature deficit disorder' that is in urgent need to heal for personal and planetary wellbeing. Eco-photography was born to address both issues by redirecting students to engage with responsible production of media as a means to reconnect with nature.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Likes anything in nature, eco-photography adapts to and fits with various settings in schools worldwide with flexible formats, yet holds the same essence. In the past, it has been offered as an online program during covid, a hybrid experience of online and in-person workshops, a mini workshop in one class period, a half day event on special occasions such as Sustainability Day, Wellbeing Day, and Earth Day etc. It was built into poetry unit, photography club, after school activity and compassion training. It has also been transformed into a week long deep retreat type of experience during Week without Walls/Discovery Week. In addition to serve students, it was offered to educators and school leaders as well in professional trainings and conferences.

How has it been spreading?

Eco-photography travels and grows as our professional network expands. It shows up in our consultancy work with schools as an experiential component regarding holistic global citizenship, sustainability, wellbeing and deep ecology. It's part of our Global Citizenship Certificate online training program too. Recently, it has packaged as Inspired Experience to cater to school's needs for high quality outdoor/experiential learning for students. Students and educators who have done eco-photography in the past were invited to share their deep learning and photo collections on our social media, website and in-house podcast Empathy to Impact.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Simply go out with your phone on flight mode wherever you are. Take a slow and mindful walk, pay attention to what's around you using all of your senses. Be drawn to what's calling you and take photos trying different perspectives. Open to the awe and beauty that's already abundant around you waiting to be discovered!

Implementation steps

How to lead an eco-photography experience?
1. Find a dedicated time for this. Can be as short as 20 minutes, or as long as 5 days.
2. Find a place where there's some type of nature around.
3. Briefly introduce eco-photography and harmony principles in nature.
4. Go out and take eco-photography!
5. Sharing photos and reflections with each other.

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