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15.2.2023 |

The new HundrED Implementation Centre for Education Innovation focuses on the scaling of innovations

Launched on February 15th, the HundrED Implementation Centre for Education Innovations supports education leaders and innovators as they implement innovations at scale.

HundrED, with support from the Jacobs Foundation, launched the HundrED Implementation Centre for Education Innovation this February. The centre’s purpose is to support the transformation of K-12 school systems through education innovation. 

Working together with education leaders across the public sector, academia, civil society and business, the centre will support innovators as they spread their solutions. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the centre builds on HundrED’s work as the leading organisation in the identification, amplification and implementation of education innovations.

The challenge

The complex and highly contextual nature of our global education systems presents many barriers for education leaders when it comes to successfully implementing new solutions at scale.

The opportunity

The world is full of hardworking specialists who are driving innovative, impactful, effective and scalable approaches to education. These existing solutions to the shared challenges our global education systems face have enormous untapped potential to be spread beyond an individual classroom.

In its capacity as a facilitator, enabler and platform for promoting collective action, the Implementation Centre for Education Innovation will play a crucial role in helping elevate grassroots innovations across our education systems. Sustained transformation of education will happen in the magical place in the middle, where impactful grassroots solutions collide with a mandate for change from visionary leadership, matched to sufficient resourcing.

By connecting a bottom-up approach with top-down systems level transformation, the education sector can deliver on the ambitious targets which SDG4 has set out to achieve.

In practice

The global platform will provide a hybrid space, both virtual and physical (based in Geneva, Switzerland), for practitioners, researchers and education leaders to drive widespread implementation of innovations, transforming education systems.

In its initial phase, the centre’s activities will be organised across four pillars:

  1. Research - Building a robust, evidence-based case for innovation implementation.
  2. Practitioner Support - Coordinating co-learning between innovators and implementers to adapt and adopt innovation at scale.
  3. Practical Methodologies - The centre will lead practical “do-tank” initiatives designed to catalyse innovation implementation
  4. Systems Leadership - Implementing future ready education policy in close partnership with the public sector for sustained systems change.

We encourage education practitioners to join us on this exciting journey of education transformation through innovation.

HundrED is actively seeking partners across its community of stakeholders; from innovators, to education leaders, policymakers, public sector bodies, philanthropic organisations, multilateral development bodies, NGO’s, the private sector and students to collaborate with and to shape the future of the centre’s agenda.
