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23.1.2019 |

How Does The Future Of Work Differ From The Future Of Education?

Craig Vezina, HundrED Ambassador and Founder of Z-School from France went live on the HundrED Facebook Page to talk about the Future of Education and how will it be different from the Future of Work?

This video first appeared on our Facebook page on January 23rd, as part of the HundrED WEBday series. 


Who is Craig Vezina?

Craig Vezina is an international education leader, social entrepreneur and futurist who is especially passionate about the future of learning. His global non-profit, Z-School, serves as an education + innovation partner for schools, social impact organizations and companies who see the need to engage youth in solving some of the most pressing challenges of our time. 

Craig launched  Z-School in 2016 after two decades serving as a teacher, guidance counselor and administrator in top international schools.  Convinced that project-based social impact projects represent the most powerful type of learning experiences, Z-School develops programs guided by basic principles: 

  • Young people should have the chance to hone their strengths & interests towards the problems that most concern them.  
  • We learn best when tackling real-world problems for real-world audiences.  
  • Developing real life skillsets & mindsets in this way provides the fuel for young people to get out of their comfort zones, accept feedback & push forward or reiterate when necessary.  
  • With intrinsic motivations and rewards baked in this way—  one is more likely to invest energies & passions towards both mastery & impact.


Craig has long had a special interest in global citizenship, service learning & technology for good and is a sought after speaker on the Future of Learning,  Future of Work and the potential of Virtual (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR).  He is a founding member of the IEEE AR/VR in Education working group, co-chairs the Global AR/VR Association's Committee for Culture and is President of France's chapter of the VR AR Association. (Inside scoop: Later this year, Craig hopes to organize the first-ever TedX event that can be experienced in AR/VR - featuring Gen Z speakers, of course). 

For this talk, Craig will be joined by Ivan Cestero. In collaboration with Z-School, Ivan is developing a series of Design Challenges to engage students, schools and social impact partners around the world. Ivan helped develop the Social Innovation Program at  Avenues: The World School and has taught Social Entrepreneurship at NYU School of Professional Studies.  He has extensive first-hand experience with how young people engage in complex problem solving with real-world implications and impact. 

Ivan and Craig are excited to share more about what's in store in 2019 and some exciting ways you might get involved.


HundrED WEBdays take place weekly via Facebook Live and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! You can access the webinars by joining the HundrED Facebook page. Contact our Head of Community, Pukhraj Ranjan, for more information:
